Although there are many hurdles to enhancing rigor in neuroscience, one fact is clear: implementing rigorous research practices today will enhance the credibility of the field tomorrow. Wrap up this series with Emily Sena, Eric Nestler, and Walter Koroshetz as they discuss the rewards to conducting rigorous research, how institutions, journals, and funders can step up to enhance rigor across the field, and ways for individuals to shift the needle in tackling this collective challenge.
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Explore Topics From This Episode
- NINDS Trans-Agency Activities: Rigor and Transparency champions, resources, and presentations
- The UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN)
- The Einstein Foundation: Award for Promoting Quality in Research
- British Neuroscience Association (BNA): Credibility Prizes
Pathways to Enhance Rigor: A Collection of Conversations is a part of the Society for Neuroscience’s (SfN’s) Foundations of Rigorous Neuroscience Research (FRN) program. This program is supported by the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), grant number 5R25NS112922-02. The FRN program is designed to inform and empower neuroscientists at all career levels to enhance the rigor in their research and the scientific culture at large.
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