Rocío Palenzuela, PhD
Rocío Palenzuela is a lecturer at Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid, Spain where she carries out her research on neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease in Julian Romero’s lab. She recently enjoyed a postdoctoral research stay in Richard Mostany’s lab in the pharmacology department at Tulane University. Prior, she earned her PhD with honors, carrying out her research in J.A. Esteban’s lab in the neurobiology department of Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa in Madrid, Spain. Her research work was focused on elucidating the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying hippocampal synaptic plasticity, specifically, the role of microtubule-associated proteins in synaptic plasticity. She received her undergraduate degree in pharmacy from Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. She was awarded the First National Honor Award among all pharmacy students that graduated in 2009. She received her Master’s in molecular biomedicine from Autónoma University in Madrid, Spain.