Communicating openly with scientists and nonscientists can help inform and shift perspectives on animal research.
In this video, learn how to help correct misunderstandings, strategies for explaining how your work with animals contributes to treatments for brain diseases and disorders, and ways you can collaborate with your institution to increase engagement with your research.
Scientists can improve understanding of animal research in a variety of ways, including:
- Sharing resources including images, videos, and virtual lab tours from Understanding Animal Research.
- Participating as an individual or with your institution in Biomedical Research Awareness Day, held by Americans for Medical Progress.
- Signing the Concordat on Openness on Animal Research, a set of commitments for life science organizations based in the United Kingdom to enhance their animal research communications.

Wendy Jarrett
Wendy Jarrett is chief executive at Understanding Animal Research. She studied classics at Oxford University but has focused on science and health communication for most of the past 29 years, leading the development of Understanding Animal Research and the Concordat on Openness on Animal Research. She additionally introduced a more open approach to media relations at the National Institute for Heath and Clinical Excellence, in the United Kingdom, and helped create the European Animal Research Association.
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